General regalia guide

The formal Academic Regalia requirements in New Zealand are based on the Cambridge System. The table below gives a general guide to the regalia needed for each qualification, and provides information about the different types of gowns, hoods and headwear available.

Each tertiary institution has slightly different rules regarding what to wear though as a general rule the following table works well.

Qualification                                                                              Regalia
Certificate - No Previous Degree

Certificate - Previous Degree
Undergraduate Gown

Bachelor Gown, Degree Hood & Trencher
Diploma (ALL) - No Previous Degree

Diploma (ALL) - Previous Degree
Undergraduate Gown and Stole - Wintec
Undergraduate Gown only - Waikato University

Bachelor Gown, Degree Hood & Trencher
Bachelor Degree Bachelor Gown, Hood, Trencher
Masters Degree Masters Gown, Hood, Trencher
PhD - Waikato University PhD Maroon Gown, All Red Hood, Bonnet
To view images of regalia click on the links below


Stoles, Scarves and Hoods


Regalia for a Overseas Qualification

Conjoint Degree Regalia

Choose Your Institutions Regalia Guide


Sizes and Fitting

ADH Inside 11


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